了解NEBOSH/About NEBOSH NEBOSH为英国国家职业安全与健康考试委员会的简称。该机构成立于1979年,是-家考试和资质授予机构,提供一系列全球认可的、综合的、能满足健康、安全、环境与风险管理需要的职业认证全世界大约180,000人持有NEBOSH资格。 NEBOSH培训刚开始是由在中国进行石油勘探与开发的国际大石油公司引进,对其HSE专业人员进行培训取证。后来,经历了不断的发展,得到了越来越多的公司、HSE专业人员、以及政府机构的认可。 | ||
课程简介/Course Overview 拥有这个学位证书,您的HSE专业才能才可以得到同行的高度认可。您还将有机会成为IOSH协会的特许会员。 With the International Diploma, you can gain recognition for your health and safety expertise and professionalism anywhere in the world. And it is the first step to become a chartered member of IOSH。 | ![]() | |
截止目前世界上大约有1万人获此殊荣。在中国,这个数字少于100。您准备好成为这个金字塔尖的存在吗? The number of people owning a Diploma certificate in the world is about 10,000。 In China, this number hasn't surpass 100. Are you ready to become one of the top 100? | ||
![]() | 获得该学位证书的学员将被邀请参加每年在 英国沃里克大学举办的NEBOSH毕业庆典。 同时您的家人和朋友也可一同前来。 Diplomates are invited to the NEBOSH Graduation Ceremony held at the University of Warwick. Family and friends are also able to attend to enjoy and celebrate your achievement. | |
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培训时间//Training Date 学员接受最少241小时的专业培训以及234小时的自学。 All candidates should receive a minimum of 241 taught hours and approximately 234 hours of private study and background reading. | ![]() | |
考试内容/Examination Content 学员可在五年内修完以上四门课程,修完并通过考试后即可获得该学位。 The qualification is divided into four units, each of which is assessed separately: IA:International management of health and safety IB:Intemational control of hazardous agents in the workplace IC:International workplace and work equipment safety ID:International application of health and safety theory and practice | 考试时间/Training Date 每年1月份的第三周和7月份的第一周,官方另行规定的除外。 Unit IA,IB,IC答卷应分别在考试周的周二/周三和周四早上提交.ID为分析报告。 Examinations are normally held each year in the third full week of January and in the first full week of July unless prior notice has been given beforehand. Papers for Units IA, IB and IC shall be offered on the mornings of Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday respectively. 考试地点/Course Venue To be advised | |
网络学习费用 E一learning Course Tuition
24,01刀RMB per person for the whole course. The tuition includes all written materials, NEOBSH official registration and administration fee, lunch during the course and local Taxes. After paying the tuition fee, you will get an account that is valid for 24 months. | The course is in association with accredited Learning Partner 807 | |
Syllabus 1.1 Socio-legal models 1.2 Enforcement 1.3 The International Labour Organization and its conventions and recommend-ations 1.4 Non-governmental bodies and health and safety standards 1.5 Third parties 1.6 Insurers 2.1 Organisational structures 2.2 Leadership 2.3 Consultation 2.4 Health and safety culture Behavioural change programmes 2.5 Traditional and proactive safety management 2.6 Risk perception 2.7 Human failures and factors Improving human reliability 3.1 Competence,training,information and supervision 3.2 High Reliability Organisations 4.1 Hazard identification techniques 4.2 Managing health and safety risks 4.3 Risk management 5.1 Loss causation Quantitative analysis of data 5.2 Measuring and monitoring | ||
6.1 Professional skills 7.1 Societal factors 7.2 Corporate Social Responsibility 7.3 Organisation change 8.1 Contractors Supply chains | ||
9.1 Occupational health services Equality in the workplace 9.2 Mental ill-health Wellbeing Workplace violence Lone working 9.3 Health surveillance 9.4 Hazardous substances 9.5 Health risks from hazardous substances 9.6 Epidemiology and toxicology 9.7 Asbestos and lead 9.8 Ventilation and PPE 9.9 Hazardous substances monitoring 9.10 Biological agents 9.11 Noise 9.12 Vibration 9.13 Radiation 9.14 Musculoskeletal issues Manual handling 9.15 Workplace temperature Welfare arrangements | 10.1 Safe working environment 10.2 Confined spaces 10.3 Fire and explosion 10.4 Fire 10.5 Dangerous substances 10.6 Work equipment and machinery maintenance 10.7 Work equipment 10.8 Machinery 10.9 Mobile work equipment Lifting equipment 10.10 Electricity 10.11 Construction Work at height Demolition Excavation 10.12 Workplace transport Work-related driving | |